Appex 04

STA 112 - Fall 2022

Part 1

  1. Create a new project using my template here:
  1. Run the R chunk labeled "load-packages"
  2. Take a look at the starwars data

Part 2

In the Console, use filter() and logical tests to show…

  1. The data for Humans
  2. The data for characters with a homeworld Alderaan
  3. Rows where the mass is greater than 1000

Part 3

Create a new R chunk in your .qmd file. Use filter() and Boolean logical tests to show…

  1. Droids more than 70 kg
  2. Characters that are born before 56 and have blue eyes
  3. Characters that are born before 56 and have blue eyes and are not Human

Part 4

Create a new R chunk in your .qmd file. Use mutate() to

  1. Add a droid column that is TRUE if the species is a Droid
  2. Add a column for the logged weight (hint: use log())
  3. Add a human_droid column that says “Human or Droid” if the character is a human or a droid and “Not Human or Droid” if it’s not

Part 5

Create a new R chunk in your .qmd file. Use summarize() to calculate…

  1. The first (minimum) birth year in the dataset
  2. The last (maximum) birth year in the dataset
  3. The number of distinct homeworlds in the dataset (use the cheatsheet)

Part 6

Create a new R chunk in your .qmd file. Use filter() and summarize() to calculate

  1. The number of unique homeworlds and
  2. The median height for characters from Tatooine born before the year 100

Part 7

Create a new R chunk in your .qmd file.

  1. Find the minimum, maximum, and median mass for each species
  2. Find the minimum, maximum, and median mass for each species from Tatooine