Lab 05 - Multiple Linear Regression
Due: 2022-11-02 at 11:59pm Turn your .html file in on Canvas
Getting started
Go to RStudio Pro and click:
Step 1. File > New Project
Step 2. “Version Control”
Step 3. Git
Step 4. Copy the following into the “Repository URL”:
The Diamonds
data set can be used to examine the predict a diamond’s price using characteristics about the diamond. For this lab, you need to try to find the best model to predict the total price of a diamond. Here “best” is defined as a model that (1) meets the assumptions of multiple regression and (2) has a good model fit, as determined by the metrics we’ve learned so far. I want you to show your work. Your report should include:
- A list of all models you attempted
- Figures displaying the checks for the assumptions for multiple linear regression for the final model you pick
- The equation for the final model you pick
- The model goodness of fit metric for the final model you picked (and how it compared to the other models)
- Finally, I want you to use this new data set below to predict what a particular diamond with these specifications would cost, along with an appropriate confidence interval. (Note: it is not a problem if you do not include all of these variables in your model)
<- data.frame(
new_data Carat = 2,
Color = "J",
Clarity = "SI2",
Depth = 69
Some things to consider: you may want to try transformations of the outcome, include polynomial terms to account for non-linearity, and/or include interaction terms. Also, be sure to carefully understand what each of the available variables mean. It would not make sense to use a function of the outcome in the model, for example.